
Pathétique: Feel Your Emotions to its Depths

Pathétique: Feel Your Emotions to its Depths

Pathétique means to move someone emotionally - to evoke sadness, to evoke pity. Pathétique was composed by Tito Abeleda for string orchestra and string sextet. Tito wrote this original poignant piece as a means to catharsis for processing sadness, reflection, and deep contemplation. Pathétique begins with an expressive violin solo, which sets the melodic motif and tone for the entire piece. Pathétique slowly builds, adding each string part as its own contrapuntal layer, which creates….

On Father's Day, Drift Away to Your Dreams with New Cinematic Album L' Heure de la Mort

On Father's Day, Drift Away to Your Dreams with New Cinematic Album L' Heure de la Mort

Drifting is the closing song on Tito's upcoming album L' Heure de la Mort. There is nothing more soothing than floating and drifting in water - its quiet solitude, its comforting surrounding holding you, embracing you with its healing touch. You can dream. You can escape to a beautiful wonderland just by closing your eyes and drifting away with gentle waters carrying you ever so slowly or simply holding you blissfully still - a peaceful perfect moment all to yourself. So, drift away. Drift to your dreams. Drift to your beautiful wonderland….

Covid-19 Creativity

Covid-19 Creativity

n many ways amid the sadness and sorrow of Covid-19 pandemic, there is also much blessing. We have seen the best and worst in the human collective emerge. However, one of the most salient blessings of Covid-19 is the burst of creativity that has resulted from those in quarantine, those on the front-lines - any place or time where human ingenuity is called upon artistically, scientifically, or practically to raise the human spirit, to solve problems, or to provide positive escapism and inspiration to those in need….

Visionary Quest Records Announces New Release, Bleeding Heart by Tito Abeleda

Visionary Quest Records Announces New Release, Bleeding Heart by Tito Abeleda

Bleeding Heart, a poignant chamber ensemble piece by Tito Abeleda, explores feelings of love, loss, and sorrow. Strong emotions compelled Tito to create “Bleeding Heart.” It expresses the sadness and sorrow that everyone is experiencing during these difficult times of the pandemic. Moved by the sadness that so many have had to die alone, while friends and family have been unable to be by their loved ones in their final hours, “Bleeding Heart” is a song to process this grief, a song to help reflect, to remember, and to pay tribute to loved ones, those gone too soon….

Mongolian Empress Calls: Where East Meets West

Mongolian Empress Calls: Where East Meets West

"Hear the call from the Mongolian Empress.

She beckons you to her side in this time of need."

This beautiful photo by Novandro Manik can be found on Gazing upon this picture, I began to daydream and travel to distant lands in the Middle East, then to Mongolia, and beyond to the Far East. I musically wanted to convey what this picture was inspiring within me. At the end, I so aptly entitled this new piece Mongolian Empress Calls.