neoclassical piano music

Passionate Piano Moment at Sala del Minor Consiglio

Passionate Piano Moment at Sala del Minor Consiglio

The seeds of passion and creativity can germinate in so many different ways. This amazing photograph captures an aspect of passion and creativity. A beautiful grand piano embodies a passionate piano moment as it sits in the Sala del Minor Consiglio in Palazzo Ducale, Geno, Italy with a backdrop of Renaissance paintings….

L' Heure de la Mort and the Turbulent Winds of Emotions during Covid-19

L' Heure de la Mort and the Turbulent Winds of Emotions during Covid-19

During this pandemic, no one has been immune to the loss of loved ones. The winds of emotions during this pandemic have been nothing less than turbulent. Because emotions play such a significant part of how I process life, my creativity follows suit. So, I write music that helps me process all these feelings. The result was the creation of this upcoming album L’Heure de la Mort. L' Heure de la Mort pays tribute to those taken away from us - to those gone too soon. May they rest in peace as they are blessed in the eyes of God. L' Heure de la Mort means the Hour of Death. Although that moment is different for everyone, death's inevitability is the same for all. This album expresses all the emotions I have been feeling during this pandemic. There are some days of utter sadness, other days of self-empowerment. Yet there were other days where I just wanted to escape to a dream world free of this world's dysfunction. Other days I was inspired by the great acts of human kindness and courage….

Drift Away

Drift Away

There is nothing more soothing than floating and drifting in water - its quiet solitude, its comforting surrounding holding you, embracing you with its healing touch. You can dream. You can escape to a beautiful wonderland….