passionate piano

Passionate Piano Moment at Sala del Minor Consiglio

Passionate Piano Moment at Sala del Minor Consiglio

The seeds of passion and creativity can germinate in so many different ways. This amazing photograph captures an aspect of passion and creativity. A beautiful grand piano embodies a passionate piano moment as it sits in the Sala del Minor Consiglio in Palazzo Ducale, Geno, Italy with a backdrop of Renaissance paintings….

Drift Away

Drift Away

There is nothing more soothing than floating and drifting in water - its quiet solitude, its comforting surrounding holding you, embracing you with its healing touch. You can dream. You can escape to a beautiful wonderland….

Covid-19 Creativity

Covid-19 Creativity

n many ways amid the sadness and sorrow of Covid-19 pandemic, there is also much blessing. We have seen the best and worst in the human collective emerge. However, one of the most salient blessings of Covid-19 is the burst of creativity that has resulted from those in quarantine, those on the front-lines - any place or time where human ingenuity is called upon artistically, scientifically, or practically to raise the human spirit, to solve problems, or to provide positive escapism and inspiration to those in need….