string sextet

Pathétique: Feel Your Emotions to its Depths

Pathétique: Feel Your Emotions to its Depths

Pathétique means to move someone emotionally - to evoke sadness, to evoke pity. Pathétique was composed by Tito Abeleda for string orchestra and string sextet. Tito wrote this original poignant piece as a means to catharsis for processing sadness, reflection, and deep contemplation. Pathétique begins with an expressive violin solo, which sets the melodic motif and tone for the entire piece. Pathétique slowly builds, adding each string part as its own contrapuntal layer, which creates….

Passionate and Poignant Pathos, Tito's Neoclassical Music Album out now!

Passionate and Poignant Pathos, Tito's Neoclassical Music Album out now!

Passionate and poignant neoclassical Pathos music album was just released on November 29, 2019. Experience breadth and depth of emotions expressed in Pathos. Find Pathos on you favorite platform at this link -….