
Holy Land Wars: Music for the March to Battle

Holy Land Wars: Music for the March to Battle

After I finished completing Mongolian Empress Calls, I still wanted to create more music with a middle eastern flavor. Contrary to my usual proclivity for sad emotional music, I was in the mood to march to battle. It was time to start composing some war music, music for the march to battle.

I entitled this new piece Holy Land Wars so that…..

Mongolian Empress Calls: Where East Meets West

Mongolian Empress Calls: Where East Meets West

"Hear the call from the Mongolian Empress.

She beckons you to her side in this time of need."

This beautiful photo by Novandro Manik can be found on Pexel.com. Gazing upon this picture, I began to daydream and travel to distant lands in the Middle East, then to Mongolia, and beyond to the Far East. I musically wanted to convey what this picture was inspiring within me. At the end, I so aptly entitled this new piece Mongolian Empress Calls.