
Where Did All the Sound Go? Audio Files for Audiophiles for All - Part I

Where Did All the Sound Go? Audio Files for Audiophiles for All - Part I

“Music is not a matter of life or death...It's much more important than that.” Unknown

The Birth of the Master Sound Recording

This quote captures the profound significance of music’s value to its creators and performers.  The sound recording team is a group comprised of artists, composers, music producers, and sound engineers, who come together with a singular goal of producing an artistic masterpiece embodied in the final sound recording.  Naturally, the team expends much labor, effort, and emotion in reaching a final product that ultimately brings utter pleasure to their listeners' ears. (Well, that’s the goal at the very least.) (Music Producer n.d.) (Pras and Guastavino 2011) Much detail is carved into the notes…

Champions and Heroes

Champions and Heroes

Long time no see. I usually find a happy balance between wearing my attorney hat and creative artist hat, but the past few weeks were a doozy in what required my attention - and it wasn't the fun kind of attention.  In my brief moments of peace, I recalled my childhood as well as growing up and how inspiring Heroes and Champions were to me. They could….