
When I was putting Passionate Piano Moments together, I wanted it to be both a musical and visual journey. So, I dared to do something different and include the creative work of photographers that I thought captured the essence of the piano pieces I was composing. The song Drifting is the first song in Passionate Piano Moments. A beautiful photograph by photographer Daria Sannikova captures the essence of Drifting. There is nothing more soothing than floating and drifting in water - its quiet solitude, its comforting surrounding holding you, embracing you with its healing touch. You can dream. You can escape to a beautiful wonderland just by closing your eyes and drifting away with gentle waters carrying you ever so slowly or simply holding you blissfully still - a peaceful perfect moment all to yourself. So, drift away. Drift to your dreams. Drift to your beautiful wonderland.

Drifting is also now available separately as its own solo sheet music.

Photograph by Daria Sannikova

Photograph by Daria Sannikova