Inspiration Behind Bleeding Heart

Inspiration Behind Bleeding Heart.jpg

Hello my dear friends,

I know it has been some time since I last wrote. I was juggling several projects and needed to reorganize how I was going to bring all these projects to fruition. I also had more legal clients in my music laws practice recently that necessitated my undivided attention to their needs. Finally, given recent political events that have moved me not to stay silent, but into action, I started to write a new book. But unlike my last book, which was dedicated to children and families and pet owners, this book is non-fiction and somewhat political in nature. I will leave my discussion of my upcoming book right there and reserve more time to discuss this at a much later time.

The emotions that have served as the impetus for writing this book also compelled me to write my latest song entitled Bleeding Heart. It expresses the sadness and sorrow I see in the world around me and the disappointment in the powers that be that govern our society today. The music and forthcoming book are my creative communication and contribution to the world that we are all born with dignity, an inherent value and self-worth as human beings deserving of kindness and respect from, to, and with each of our fellow brothers and sisters. We all matter.

When I composed Bleeding Heart. I used the violin as the main instrument to emulate the instrument’s ability to ‘cry.’ The piano and church bells provided a haunting sad undertone similar to a funeral procession. I also used the supporting violins in a unique way to emulate the haunting, intimate sounds whales and dolphins make to communicate in the sea. But it is now available for commercial licensing for projects in need of emotional music underscoring.

Bleeding Heart has now been scheduled for worldwide release on Good Friday, April 10, 2020. Pre-order/Presave on your favorite platform beginning February 24, 2020 -

