
Listen to Your Inner Voice

Listen to Your Inner Voice

This blog entry may seem to be a disconnect with my music blog on Visionary Quest Records. But I thought to myself, this blog is a reflection of me. My eclectic endeavors are all a part of the many chapters that comprise the one story of my life journey. With that said, I decided that it was quite befitting to share my creative experiences these past few months even though the inspiration for creativity was outside of music per se. These past few months I had tapped into a different source of creativity, which came from a fusion of the written word, art, and photography.

For me inspiration can often come one of two ways - at a moment’s notice, like a flash of a light bulb or after a period of gestation of deep thought. I should add that in both instances there is an overwhelming emotional component that serves as the impetus for creative action. This inspiration makes itself known through what I call my inner child or inner voice. Sometimes we give our outer lives higher priority when that little voice inside instead tries to steer us in another direction, either to find a better path, to make wiser choice,. or to create something new. Despite all that was going on in my life, I decided to listen to my inner voice and do accordingly….